Project info
Team: Marko Barvirčák, Peter Galdík, Patrik Olejňák, Viliam Ondo
Pohoda festival - winner announcement
“Minaret (from Arabic manarah, manarat) means lamp, lighthouse.
Few quotes / main reasons for creation of the idea :
• “Slovakia will take in 200 Syrian refugees, but they have to be Christian.” The Washington Post
• “We could take in Muslims, but, in Slovakia, we don’t have mosques. How could Muslims be integrated if they don't like it here.” (an Interior Ministry spokesman)
• Slovakia is the last remaining country in the European Union with no mosque or minaret.
As authors, we understand the absence of places with the function of religious and social-community center to be part of the problem and a significant factor in public discourse. The idea of the first Slovak minaret is a reaction to this reality and is aimed to represent a symbol of open society as well as of solidarity in the light of the events related to migration crisis. It is not a religion propaganda but a symbolic structure raised as a lighthouse, which is supposed to shine for people that are on the run from extremism.
Our goal was to start a public discussion which we achieved. Sadly, it was mainly negative and hate that formed in the public and even some slovak politicians. After a severe media criticism, it has spontaneously become a place of messages against the hater-ism. The initiation came from slovak musician B-Complex. More about the event here.
The minaret was passable and was aimed to serve as a chill-out zone, meeting point and also as a place for discussion. At night, the installation was highlighted with light to serve as a lighthouse.

photo by elvisfledermaus instagram

photo by nervnypatapuf instagram

photo by Pohoda

photo by Erik Adamson

photo by lukaneta instagram

photo by oktud instagram

photo by Viliam Ondo

photo by Viliam Ondo

photo by Viliam Ondo